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High DA Dofollow Forum Posting Sites for Effective SEO Backlinks 2024

Forum posting in seo

Forum posting in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) refrs to the practice of participting in online discussion forums and communties to generate backlinks to a website, increase its visiblity, and drive traffic. This technque involves creating posts, respondng to existing threads, and engaging with other users in a way that subtly promtes your website or content.

Forum Posting

Here are the key aspects of forum posting in SEO:

  1. Backlinks: By including links to your website in your forum posts or signatures, you can generate backlinks. These links can help improve your site’s search engine ranking if the forum is reputable and the backlinks are considered valuable by search engines.
  2. Traffic: Engaging in relevant forums can drive targeted traffic to your website. If users find your posts helpful, they may click on your links to learn more, leading to increased visits.
  3. Brand Awareness: Regular participation in forums can help establish your brand’s presence and credibility in your niche. By providing valuable information and insights, you can build a reputation as an authority in your field.
  4. Community Engagement: Forum posting allows you to interact with potential customers or clients directly. This can help you understand their needs, preferences, and pain points, allowing you to tailor your content and services accordingly.
  5. Keyword Optimization: Including relevant keywords in your posts can help search engines associate your website with those terms. This can improve your site’s visibility for those keywords.

Best Practices for Forum Posting in SEO:

  • Choose Relevant Forums: Select forums that are related to your niche or industry. Participating in unrelated forums can be seen as spammy and may not yield any SEO benefits.
  • Follow Forum Rules: Each forum has its own set of guidelines. Adhering to these rules is crucial to avoid being banned and to maintain a positive reputation.
  • Provide Value: Focus on contributing valuable information rather than just promoting your website. Genuine engagement is more likely to result in organic traffic and backlinks.
  • Use Signatures Wisely: Many forums allow users to include a signature with their posts. Use this space to add a link to your website, but ensure it doesn’t come across as spammy.
  • Engage Regularly: Consistent participation is key. Regularly engage in discussions, answer questions, and start meaningful threads to build your presence.

Potential Downsides:

  • Spam Risks: Excessive or irrelevant posting can be considered spam, which can lead to penalties from search engines and forum bans.
  • Quality Over Quantity: Not all backlinks are created equal. Links from low-quality or irrelevant forums can harm your SEO efforts rather than help.

Overall, forum posting can be a valuable part of an SEO strategy when done correctly, focusing on quality interactions and relevant forums.

forum posting website?

Forum posting websites are online platforms where users can create posts, participate in discussions, and engage with others on various topics. These websites can be general discussion forums or specialized communities focused on specific interests or industries. Here are some popular forum posting websites:

General Discussion Forums

  1. Reddit (
    • A massive network of communities based on people’s interests. Users can join subreddits relevant to their niche to participate in discussions.
  2. Quora (
    • A question-and-answer site where users can ask questions, provide answers, and engage in discussions on a wide range of topics.
  3. Digital Point Forums (
    • A community focused on digital marketing, web development, and business discussions.
  4. Warrior Forum (
    • A forum dedicated to internet marketing, online business, and entrepreneurship.

Industry-Specific Forums

  1. Stack Overflow (
    • A forum for developers to ask and answer programming-related questions.
  2. WebmasterWorld (
    • A community for webmasters, SEO professionals, and digital marketers to discuss search engine optimization, web development, and online marketing.
  3. Tripadvisor Forums (
    • A travel-focused forum where users can discuss destinations, travel tips, and share experiences.
  4. GardenWeb (
    • A forum for gardening enthusiasts to discuss plants, landscaping, and gardening tips.

Niche Forums

  1. MoneySavingExpert Forum (
    • A UK-based forum for discussing personal finance, savings, and money-saving tips.
  2. MacRumors Forums (
    • A community focused on Apple products, rumors, and technology discussions.
  3. Photography Forum (
    • A place for photographers to discuss techniques, share photos, and review equipment.
  4. Forums (
    • A community for fitness enthusiasts to discuss workout routines, nutrition, and bodybuilding tips.

Hobby and Interest Forums

  1. Ravelry (
    • A forum for knitters and crocheters to share patterns, tips, and projects.
  2. BoardGameGeek (
    • A forum dedicated to board games, including reviews, strategies, and discussions about various games.
  3. The Student Room (
    • A forum for students to discuss education, careers, and student life.

Professional Forums

  1. LinkedIn Groups (
    • Professional groups within LinkedIn where users can join discussions relevant to their industry or interests.
  2. ResearchGate (
    • A network for researchers to share papers, ask questions, and collaborate on scientific research.

Using Forum Posting for SEO

When using these forums for SEO purposes, it’s important to engage meaningfully, provide value, and avoid spamming. Select forums relevant to your niche or industry to maximize the effectiveness of your contributions.

procedure to build quality backlink

Building quality backlinks is a critical component of a successful SEO strategy. High-quality backlinks can improve your website’s search engine rankings, drive traffic, and increase domain authority. Here is a step-by-step procedure to build quality backlinks:

1. Create High-Quality Content

  • Unique and Valuable: Produce content that is unique, informative, and valuable to your target audience. This includes blog posts, articles, infographics, videos, and other types of content that provide solutions or insights.
  • Long-Form Content: Longer, in-depth content tends to perform better in search results and attracts more backlinks.

2. Conduct Competitor Analysis

  • Identify Backlink Sources: Use tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush, or Moz to analyze your competitors’ backlink profiles. Identify which websits are linkng to them.
  • Evaluate Link Quality: Focus on high-authority domains and websites that are relevant to your niche.

3. Guest Blogging

  • Find Opportunities: Look for reputable blogs in your industry that accept guest posts. Websites like GuestPostTracker can help you find opportunities.
  • Pitch Relevant Topics: Propose topics that are relevant to the host blog’s audience and showcase your expertise.
  • Include Backlinks: Naturally incorporate backlinks to your website within the guest post.

4. Build Relationships

  • Network with Influencers: Engage with influencers and thought leaders in your industry. Share their contnt, commnt on thelr posts, and buIld a rpport.
  • Collaborate on Content: Collaborate with influencers or other businesses on joint content projects, such as co-authored articles, webinars, or research papers.

5. Leverage Social Media

  • Promote Content: Share your contnt across social media pltforms to increase its visibility. The more people see it, the highr the chance of earning backlinks.
  • Engage with Communities: Participate in relevant online communities and forums. Provide valuble insights and include Iinks to your contnt when appropriate.

6. Utilize Content Aggregators and Directories

  • Submit to Directories: List your website in reputable industry directories and content aggregators. Make sure they are relevant and have good authority.
  • Avoid Spammy Directories: Ensure that the directories are reputable and not seen as link farms, which can negatively impact SEO.

7. Create Linkable Assets

  • Infographics and Visual Content: Create infographics, charts, and other visual content that others will want to share and link to.
  • Original Research and Case Studies: Publish original research, case studies, and whitepapers. These are often cited by other websites and can attract backlinks.

8. Broken Link Building

  • Identify Broken Links: Use tools like Check My Links to find broken links on relevant websites.
  • Offer Alternatives: Reach out to the webmasters of these sites and suggest your content as a replacement for the broken link.

9. Monitor Your Backlinks

  • Track Your Links: Use tools like Google Search Console, Ahrefs, or SEMrush to monitor your backlinks.
  • Disavow Toxic Links: Regularly check for and disavow toxic or spammy backlinks that could harm your SEO.

10. Outreach Campaigns

  • Personalized Outreach: Reach out to bloggers, journalists, and webmasters with personalized emails. Offer your content as a valuable resource they might want to link to.
  • Follow Up: Follow up on your outreach emails to increase the chances of getting a response and a backlink.

11. Engage in Forums and Q&A Sites

  • Relevant Contributions: Participate in forums like Reddit, Quora, and industry-specific forums. Provide valuable answers and include backlinks where appropriate and relevant.

12. Local SEO and Reviews

  • Local Listings: Ensure your business is listed on local business directories like Google My Business, Yelp, and other industry-specific directories.
  • Encourage Reviews: Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews on these platforms, which often include backlinks to your site.

By following these steps, you can build a robust portfolio of high-quality backlinks that will help improve your website’s search engine rankings and drive more organic traffic.

High da dofollow forum posting site list

Building backlinks through forum posting can be effective when done thoughtfully and in compliance with each forum’s rules. Here is a list of over 200 high domain authority (DA) forums where you can engage in discussions and potentially include dofollow links to your website. Remember, the focus should be on contributing valuable content rather than just dropping links.

General Forums

  1. Reddit –
  2. Quora –
  3. Digital Point Forums –
  4. Warrior Forum –
  5. Stack Overflow –
  6. WebmasterWorld –

Technology and Development

  1. SitePoint Forums –
  2. CodeProject –
  3. XDA Developers –
  4. TechRepublic –

Marketing and SEO

  1. Moz Community –
  2. SEO Chat Forums –
  3. Black Hat World –
  4. V7N Community Forums –

Business and Finance

  1. Business Advice Forum –
  2. MoneySavingExpert Forum –
  3. Small Business Brief –
  4. Startup Nation –

Health and Fitness

  1. Forums –
  2. HealthBoards –
  3. MyFitnessPal Forums –

SparkPeople Forums –

Lifestyle and Entertainment

  1. IGN Boards –
  2. NeoGAF –
  3. AVS Forum –
  4. Something Awful Forums –


  1. Tripadvisor Forums –
  2. Fodor’s Travel Talk Forums –
  3. Lonely Planet’s Thorn Tree –
  4. FlyerTalk Forums –


  1. Automotive Forums –
  2. Car Talk Community –
  3. Honda-Tech –
  4. NASIOC (Subaru) –

Education and Careers

  1. The Student Room –
  2. College Confidential –
  3. GradCafe –
  4. Indeed Community –

Hobbies and Interests

  1. Ravelry –
  2. BoardGameGeek –
  3. Photography Forum –
  4. Archery Talk Forum –

Parenting and Family

  1. BabyCenter Community –
  2. What to Expect –
  3. Netmums Forum –
  4. Forums –


  1. BigSoccer Forum –
  2. Talk Tennis –
  3. Baseball Fever –
  4. The Huddle Forums –


  1. GameFAQs –
  2. Steam Community –
  3. NeoGAF –
  4. ResetEra –

Home Improvement

  1. Community Forums –
  2. Houzz Discussions –
  3. GardenWeb –

Fashion and Beauty

  1. The Purse Forum –
  2. Specktra –
  3. MakeupAlley –

Pets and Animals

  1. Pet Forums –
  2. TheCatSite –
  3. Dog Forum –

Food and Cooking

  1. Chowhound –
  2. Serious Eats Talk –
  3. Eater Forums –

Specific Interests

  1. Astrology Weekly Forum –
  2. Tarot Forum –
  3. Digital Photography Review –

Writing and Literature

  1. Absolute Write Water Cooler –
  2. NaNoWriMo Forums –
  3. Goodreads –

Science and Research

  1. Physics Forums –
  2. ResearchGate –

Environment and Sustainability

  1. TreeHugger Community –

Specific Groups

  1. Expat Forum –
  2. InterNations –

This list is not exhaustive and will evolve as forums gain or lose popularity and authority. Always focus on contributing meaningfully and adhere to the specific rules of each forum. Additionally, periodically check the domain authority and relevancy of these forums to ensure they continue to be valuable for your SEO strategy.

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